
per week

Become a Telecare Cardiff customer

If you are worried about staying independent at home, our Telecare services can allow you stay safe for as long as possible. Our service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, so help is always available to you. Simplicity is at the heart of our service, allowing customers across Cardiff to remain confident and secure in their homes.

You may want to consider our services if you:

  • need additional support with safe living at home,
  • have a disability,
  • are at risk of falling or have a history of falls,
  • are vulnerable and live alone, or
  • live with a vulnerable partner or family member.
254,654 calls handled
95,367 of those were critical
97% of critical calls were answered within 60s

How does it work?

When you become a Telecare Cardiff customer, we will provide you with a pendant alarm and a speaker response unit. If you find yourself in difficulty, you can press the button on the pendant or unit and speak directly to our team through the speaker on the unit. The team will take immediate action to help you, and operate 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Our team can act by:

  • contacting a family member, next of kin or carer,
  • alerting the emergency services such as the fire brigade and ambulance service,
  • sending our Mobile Responder directly to your property to assist you.

We have a unique team of highly trained Mobile Responders, equipped to assist you using the same lifting equipment as the Welsh Ambulance Service.

Find out how Telecare can help you at home and what equipment packages are available.

Apply now

We have a unique team of highly trained Mobile Wardens, equipped to assist you using the same lifting equipment as the Welsh Ambulance Service.

Whether you are an older person, vulnerable or disabled, the Mobile Wardens are able to come directly to your aid – they can get you back on your feet after a fall, administer first aid or wait with you until additional support arrives, anywhere in the city, 24 hrs, 365 days a year.

How our products work in your home
95% of critical calls were answered within 60s
98% of non-urgent installations were completed within 15 days
£869,667.42 cost avoidance for the Welsh Ambulance Service

Call 02920 537080 to arrange a friendly chat or house visit

How much does Telecare Cardiff cost?

Cardiff Council is fully committed to providing excellent, low-cost services for the residents of Cardiff. Telecare Cardiff is one of the best value services of its kind in Wales, and is reviewed annually. Simply choose the equipment package that best suits you and your needs.



For an amazing £3.60 a week you can sign up to have 24 hour support at the touch of a button. This service includes:

24 hour Telephone support from our dedicated contact team

24 hours Quick response to any distress call

The team will contact a relative, carer or emergency services




How our products work in your home



Our most popular service is only £6.43 per week. This gives you:

Direct call-out support from our highly trained mobile wardens.

24 hour Telephone support from our contact team

First Aid Trained Wardens

No restriction on amount of Warden visits

Available 24/7, 365 days a year


How our products work in your home

Your questions answered

You can click on the question boxes below to expand them and find out more information.

The changes mean that we will automatically inform your designated next of kin, close relative, or friend in the following situations:

  • When a Mobile Warden or the emergency services call on you in a confirmed emergency, e.g. a fall.  The operator will explain the situation and your current status, for example if you remain at home or are in hospital.
  • If you activate your alarm but are unable to tell us what has happened, or what assistance you require and our operator considers that it will be more than 45 minutes before a Mobile Warden can get to you, the operator will explain the situation to your contact.

If you are happy with this change you do not need to do anything.

But, if you or your given contacts do not wish for these changes to apply to you, or do not wish to be contacted at certain times of the day, the Customer Care Team must be contacted on 02920537080 so that we can record the decision to opt out of the changes.

There are some other changes, but you don’t need to do anything about these:

  • If your alarm is activated and a Mobile Warden attends and finds you asleep, they will determine if you are in need of assistance. If you are not, they will exit the property without waking you. If you are, they will gently wake you before providing assistance.
  • We may inform your designated contacts in non-emergency situations for example, if we are concerned about your welfare, changes in your behaviour, a deterioration in your wellbeing, or upon your request.

Full terms and conditions

Yes, you can wear the pendant anywhere in your home, including the bathroom. The pendant is water resistant but not completely waterproof, so we ask you not to immerse it in the bath.

The pendant is designed for domestic use only.  The typical range of the pendant is 50 metres; this diminishes slightly when inside a property.  A range test will be completed on site.

Please do not alarm yourself if you accidentally activate your pendant.  You will hear the Operator ask “are you okay”, please confirm that you are, and that you simply pressed the pendant in error. Please do not worry if you raise a false alarm, the monitoring centre is always happy to hear from you. The raising of the alarm acts as a useful test of your home unit.

There is an auto low battery trigger that will send a notification call via the home unit to the monitoring centre when its battery is low.

No, the use of the hearing aids and/or pacemakers is perfectly safe. This will not interfere with the radio range.

Yes, please advise Telecare Cardiff if you change telephone suppliers so we can update our records. In the past there have been issues with certain telecommunication operators upgrading their networks and this has had an adverse effect on equipment.  If we have up to date telephone supplier information we will be able to notify you and potentially rectify any issues.

Yes, you should notify us if any of your personal circumstances/details change.  It is important that we have up to date GP information, next of kin, and medical information in order to contact family members instantly and ensure if the emergency services need to be called that they have all the correct information to hand.

We will replace your pendant for a fee of £40; this will be done as a priority.

Just contact us on 02920 537080 to let us know the details you wish to change.

Yes. When you move you can simply unplug the system and call us on 02920 537080. Tell us your new address, telephone numbers and any changes to key holders. We will then visit to reinstall the unit for you free of charge.

If there is a cut in power, there is a battery in the base unit, which keeps the system working.

Yes, you can have anything up to 32 sensors (depending on unit). Please contact the team who will advise.

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